How car dealership leaders can create more growth opportunities for people of color with CBT News

Diversity in Automotive, brought to you by TrueCar and CarNow
In today’s segment, host Cory Mosley is joined by Damon Lester, president of the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers. Diversity and inclusion have been age-old issues for NAMAD, which is celebrating its 40th year of operation. Lester points out that racial injustice has long preceded the civil unrest and the Black Lives Matter movement that we see today. In our age of instantaneous connectivity, awareness of systemic racial inequality has been heightened dramatically.
Looking around the industry, particularly at the dealership level, Mosley points out that seeing a person of color or a member of an underrepresented gender in an elevated role is almost like seeing a unicorn. Lester believes this is due to a lack of opportunity and access for those minority groups.

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